Saturday, March 7, 2009

In the weeks since China

On February 18th I returned from an absolutely unbelievable, stupendous, eye-opening vacation to China. I have lots of stories about the trip, but so much has happened since that stories will have to wait.

I cut my hair.

I'm psyched about my hair. But even that can't distract me from general business pessimism.

For months now, I've heard a million times a day in a million different ways that the economy is going to slumping/depressing/collapsing/stalling/freezing/tightening. I've had nothing to call this mess, yet a mess never the less.

I knew things at my work had been slow, but we had a plan. I'd been a busy little bee in the plan. Then, last week, they told us that things were worse than we had thought. They let us know that some thing drastic needs to change and fast or the company will go under. Layoffs are the most likely option. Yikes bikes.

I expect that next week will bring more answers. For now I'm doing all I can. Taking things step by step.

Okay. I got that out of my system. Soon, stories from China.

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