But I kind of always thought that this one vampire themed television show was an anomaly. I wasn't the type of person who really liked vampires. These days I'm wondering if I really am a little too attached to these creatures of the night.
While I'm no goth, I am enjoying this vampire themed trend for two reasons: Twilight and True Blood. There are some common themes in both stories. Both are essentially romances that feature male vampires and human females. They also feature mind reading, oddly enough. But these similarities can't possibly explain the success these stories are experiencing. Both are critically acclaimed and getting more popular by the day.
I'm as surprised as anyone by how in vogue vampire stuff is. But here is what I've worked out so far:
-Stephenie Meyer's Twilight - I don't think it is a great book, but it sure is enthralling. It is snack reading, but I kind of like getting involved in another series of books (now that Harry Potter is no longer keeping me wanting more). I read the first book in about a week and I've devouring the second now. That being said, it is a little heavy on the mellow-drama and teen angst.
-I can't put these books down because somehow the synthesis of brooding vampires, high school and lusty first love just works. It has a similar magic formula to Buffy in that way (at least, from what I can tell from how much I've read).

-HBO's True Blood - This show has only had two episodes so far, but I think the characters are really intriguing. Somehow the show's bayou setting and premise (vampires have "come out of the closet" and can now "live" among the living due to the invention of simulated blood. High jinx and passion ensue) provide a nice twist on a vampire story.
-Since this show is on HBO it can really take advantage of the sexiness is always associated with the myth of the vampire. Stealth, lust for human flesh and blood, and hypnotic powers (glamoring) make for lusty and violent entertainment.
-True Blood has the added interest of turning the tale of Vampire's strength on its ear. Vampires are vulnerable to silver and their blood is in danger of being harvested by junkies who get stronger, more alive, and high off drinking it. Plus if a human drinks a vampire's blood it makes them forever connected with heightened senses towards one and other.
-This is another excellent blend to make an enthralling final product.
-My theory is that vampires are the new pirates.
That's all the insight I've got into this whole thing at the moment. I think I will read some other vampire stories and see if I really am a vampire person or simply someone who is enjoying this recent vampire trend.
1 comment:
The threat posed by vampires is the most erotic one in all of the monster kingdom. The embrace; the necking; hell, it's a literal exchange of bodily fluids.
I always like the part in the Blade movie where the hematologist character points out that vampirism is just another STD. Finger on the pulse with that one!
Vampires the new pirates, huh? We'll have to see about that but it's a perceptive theory. Is there an easily reproduced graphic (e.g. skull and bones) for vampirism? That's my only concern. After all, this shit will have to be massively consumable to stick. Then again, the "real" pirate headlines from the Somali coast haven't been a good image for existing mythos, so perhaps a changing of the guard will have to happen.
You should take this as evidence that I read your blog, so I expect updates missy.
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