We stayed at this lovely hotel downtown called the Sofitel, which is just neat.

The weather was hot and humid, reminding me that fall has not entirely left us behind. I walked around Lake Michigan. I also had a chance to spend the morning wondering around in the Wicker Park neighborhood, which was positively the tops.
I hit Myopic Books at Stephanie's recommendation.

I didn't get a chance to have a cup of coffee there but the selection was enough to make me drool.

After our focus groups were finished we got a chance to go to Rick Bayless's restaurant, Frontera Grill. A-mazing clean and contemporary Mexican food. I had Civiche with scallops, crab, jicama, mangoes and papaya, served with plantain chips. We shared orders chips and guacamole and fried plantains with soar cream. For dessert we had this unbelievable pecan and chocolate tart. It really should not be missed.
All in all, I came away loving Chicago. I will have to go back again in the winter time to know if I can really live there, but I will happily go back again as soon as I can.
cool blog
Glad you're doing the blog thing, finally. Also glad you liked Myopic. And you're already outdoing me with the pictures. OK, fine. I'll post pictures. Shit.
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