Now this little phone integrates all these things plus my work email, with the convenience of a touch screen and a full keyboard. Perma-connection to everything electronic I love.
Dare I say that this could be an iPhone killer? Though it hurts me to say it as a Mac user it might be true. I've really only had the phone since Friday, so I have to wait to see if it really has staying power.
I think beyond just the spiffy functionality, the G1's applications really make the whole phone into an extension of the users lifestyle. I was talking with my co-worker Amy, who also just got the phone. Amy and I are in completely different life stages but love the G1. Her two small kids are curious about her cell phones and technology but hard on it, mashing buttons and putting things in their mouthes. So she has what she called "toddler apps." One is this visualizer that responds to the kids touching the buttons and the touch screen by producing dynamic colors and shapes, much to the kids' delight. The other toddle app that Amy told me about turns the G1 into a baby monitor that automatically call another phone number (like your home phone number) when the baby's noises reach a certain loudness. Pretty clever, but not the apps for me.
Here are few of the apps that have caught my attention thus far.
This one is called Bartender and has an encyclopedia of drink recipes at your finger tips at all times. You can search the list and mark your favorites for next time. Bonus, I finally learned what is in a Gimlet.
The next app is pretty practical but satisfies my yearning to both make lists and cross the items off in a satisfying fashion when I have completed the task. I have actually written things on lists that I have already done so that I could cross it off. The thrill of checking something off my list has actually kept me away from other list sites like Don't Forget The Milk. This is way better.
The next app is called MyCloset. It allows you to take pictures of your clothes with the G1's camera and use the pictures to coordinate complete ensembles. This one totally reminds my of Cher's closet from Clueless and, as a result, satisfies the awkward 11 year old in me.
I haven't had time to log all my clothes (you can do tops, bottoms, outer wear, other, shoes and accessories!) but it is already so fun. I've already been inspired to try some different combinations .
My apps suit my work self and my fun self. They work perfectly to aid me in my young professional life. Sigh. I love it so. I feel like I've hardly scratched the surface with this device. I'm sure there will be more about G1 here soon.