Saturday, October 4, 2008


I've been thinking about hats for years. My theory is that everything cycles and that my parents' generation didn't buy into the idea that men and women had to wear hats in public to be polite. Thus, hats look very fresh to me and people my age. I'm convinced there is more to this hat thing than the generational divide.

There is there is something very whimsical about hats. They are telling about a person's personality.

I've dabbled with a few hats of my own.

But lately, perhaps due in part to watching Mad Men, I've been considering more feminine hats.

I don't really think I can rock cool hats at work. Wacky accessories might not say - "promote me." But I think something like this would jazz up a simple dress or jeans for the weekend or evening.

There are zillions of options on the internet. The selection on eBay alone boggles the mind. The only problem is that people used to be way tinier than we are now. I'm wary of making such purchases without trying them on.

Sigh. I'll just have to go on the hunt to find just the right ladylike hat.

1 comment:

ponyponytail said...

Obviously, doll, you just need a Valencia expedition with a good friend with a great eye. After all, you live in the San Francisco Embrace of Quirky Style.