Thursday, January 15, 2009

The Fuchsia And A Cool SIte I found

Fuchsia by CallMeNora

So ever since I went back to having brown hair I've been kind of obsessed with colors I couldn't really wear when I was a redhead. Thus the fuchsia collage you see.

As much as I love fuchsia, I'm actually more excited about the web site that I used to put this collage together. A few days ago I read about about on some blog. I had just written my last post and was filled with enthusiasm about my resolutions when I found this site. I immediately thought about using it for this blog. Here is how the site describes itself says:

Polyvore is a free, easy-to-use web-based application for mixing and matching images from anywhere on the web. Polyvore lets you create sets composed of individual images using an easy to use, drag and drop editor. After you have created a set, you can publish and share it with your friends and the Polyvore community.

To me, it is an easy way to import and save images I come across while looking at blogs or shopping. As I have played with the site's tools I realized it really was easy to use and if it was easy for me maybe it would be easy to just about anyone. I should also mention that I've spent months looking at collages that focus group participants did as homework before coming to speak with us. Organizing, labeling, and analyzing all of these collages! If they'd already been done on the internet, wouldn't it be easier if some/all of those collages were electronic? So I'll show it to the folks at work and see if we could learn anything or use it. Sometimes I can be such a work geek.

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